For example, AGROLAB performs the tests for the Federal fertiliser distribution tests in Schleswig-Holstein. We perform the declaration analysis for commercial fertilisers competently and rapidly according to prescriptions.
Overview of our services
Commercial fertiliser
Industrial fertilizer
At our AGROLAB LUFA institute in Kiel, we test all commercially available mineral and organic fertiliser for phytonutrients and pollutants in accordance with the Law governing the Sale of Fertiliser [Düngemittelverkehrsgesetz] and the Fertiliser Ordinance [Düngemittelverordnung]. This includes, of course, the statutory fertiliser declaration.
Farm fertiliser (slurry, solid manure, DCM)
Farm fertiliser
Analysis packages for slurry, solid manure and dry chicken manure (DCM) are configured using a modular system: total N and NH4-N; dry substance; P and K; Ca and Mg; Na, Cu and Zn; organic substance; alkaline substances; further elements, heavy metals and organic pollutants on request.We can gladly produce a statutory fertiliser declaration free of charge.
Essentials for storage and transportation:
The slurry sample must not be heated (e.g. by exposure to light), since fermentation can cause the bottle to explode. The sample can be transferred to the lab by the account manager or also - if specially wrapped in odour-proof packaging - sent by post.
Secondary raw materials (compost, digestate from biogas plants, sewage sludge)
Secondary raw materials (compost, digestate from biogas plants, sewage sludge)
We test reusable secondary raw materials, as fertilisers, for phytonutrients and pollutants in accordance with the Law governing the Sale of Fertilisers, the Sewage Sludge Ordinance or Biowaste Ordinance.
Agriculturally recycled sludge and compost must be declared as defined by the Fertiliser Ordinance (DüMV).
Consequently, numerous tests (including dioxin-like PCBs, available nitrogen) and requirements must be fulfilled in line with the mandatory fertiliser declaration.
AGROLAB can issue the statutory fertiliser declaration in accordance with all the legal provisions, free of charge. The said declaration always relates to the parameters tested. AGROLAB offers complete and appropriately streamlined analysis packages for DüMV compliance.
Extra service
We aim to give you the best possible support and that little bit extra you won't find elsewhere. We can issue a statutory declaration for organic fertiliser supplied to third parties (e.g. via "slurry exchange") and agriculturally recycled secondary raw materials, based on the parameters tested.